This book picked up where the first book left off. This book takes us to Cyn’s home and you get to see more of the Druid community. In this book we see the struggles Brianna is going through with losing her grandfather and having to adjust to a new way of life. She starts by having a really hard time accepting what has happened, and letting go of all of her anger. We get to learn more about so many other aspects of the world Stephany Wallace has created, we also get to see more characters take on more roles, and learn some secrets we didn't know existed. You will learn more about the Druids and the Romans and so much more within this world! There are so many twists and turns thrown into this book that you truthfully have no idea what is going to happen next. Wallace is great at just throwing you random things that I personally did not see coming. I have to say my favorite thing about this book is the dual perspectives! I was only expecting Cyn and Brianna's POV’s and was pleasantly surprised to get to read some others. I love that this book answered some questions but left so many unanswered making me crave the next installment! I for one can’t wait to start the next book and am excited to see what happens next!
Stephany Wallace hit a homerun with her debut novel. Wow. What a world she’s created. I loved her past and present use, the little surprises she hid around every corner. It’s amazing to believe that this is only her first! I devoured every page of this book, easily imagining myself as a part of the action, watching everything roll out as it happened. Her detail was incredible, and I’m a sucker for some detail. However, my only complain is that sometimes the detail was a little excessive and bogged down the story a bit. Bri was such a normal person, it was easy to relate to just about everything that she did. It made the character so likeable, she was great! And Cyn, mmm, Cyn. There’s nothing else I can say about him. You’ll have to read the deliciousness for yourself. What a great pair of characters. The supporting characters were done justice as well. A well rounded book all around. The plot kept me intrigued, it wasn’t too predictable. I can’t wait to get my hands on Stephany’s other works.
“ His laugh haunts me. He’s a pitiless man. He’s my worst nightmare. He’s my one fear.” I received an ARC copy of this book that I voluntarily read and reviewed.
I truthfully didn’t know what to expect with this book and I can honestly say I’m happy that I read it. This book is written in dual perspective of the wife Morgan and Husband Reid. Morgan and Reid are currently struggling in their relationship and arguing a lot. This particular night Morgan is staying late at the office and Reid is yet again furious with her. At some point throughout the night Morgan is kidnapped. After hours of her not returning home Reid finally calls the cops so they can find her. I love the dual perspective of this book! I liked that we get to see what Morgan is going through, and how she wants to escape to get home to her husband and children at the same time she is to petrified to do anything. All the while you get to feel what Reid is going through, with not knowing where his wife is or if she is alright. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a mystery and is alright with Cliff hangers. Let me tell you there are multiple questions unanswered and the book ends in a way that will make you want to toss your tablet across the room because it just ended and now you need to wait to find out what happens! I received an ARC for this book and voluntarily read and reviewed it. The Dragon Orb was a good story that switches point of view a number of times, between a number of characters. The characters are all introduced and intertwined well into the story. Shelton does a great job juggling the characters and their own stories, while moving forward with the main plot. There's not one that feels more important than the others, at least, not at first. And that’s a good thing. It keeps the reader invested in the story, wanting to know what’s going on with each character and what’s going to happen next. It amazingly intertwines fantasy and real world concepts like loss and politics, in a way that is both entertaining and insightful, but not too extreme. There’s a lot of twists and turns that I wasn’t expecting and it was exciting to unfold each one and see where the road led to. I’m looking forward to picking up the next book in the series and seeing where each of the characters go.
What’s more thrilling than being swept off to a magical mystery land, hidden from the prying and judgemental eyes of human society? When that land comes with a tall, dark and brooding wall of man named Storm, and pirates. Let’s not forget the pirates. Storm, both the story and the man, is engaging from start to finish. It sweeps you up from our world into a mysterious and magical world that has surprises around every turn. Not everything is the way it seems and that’s just the way I like it. Lexi is human. That’s the easiest way to describe her. She has her flaws and she has her strong points, just like anyone else. Did I agree with every decision she made? No. Did I want to yell at her a few times? Yes. But that’s what made the story so good. Storm is your typical Alpha male, who thinks they know everything and doesn’t ever listen to what anyone has to say. I have high hopes for the other books in this series, to see certain things resolved, to see the plot move forward and to see where this storm takes us. "He's coming. I feel him drawing closer, but he won't find her first.
“The thing about living in the dark? It doesn’t exist without light. That means you can step into that light, if you want. Only you can choose how you live your life, Rohan, just like only I can choose how I live mine.” The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Sting by Deborah Wilde was fast paced, action packed, gripped you from the first page kind of book. You’re thrust back into the world of Nava, she is still trying to acclimate to being a demon hunter, working out how to help her brother, along with figuring out her feelings for Rohan. This book takes you to Prague, where Nava, Rohan, and Drio go undercover to figure out if the famous actor Samson is a demon. We also learn so much more about the brotherhood, they are not as good as they seem.
Nava gets to go into her first role undercover she is supposed to be just a groupie to Rohan but of course she takes matters into her own hands and comes up with her own plan to get Samson to notice her. She is then thrust into a few sketchy predicaments. In this book you also see Rohan revert back to his rockstar ways, there are old flames for him, lots of games between him and Nava, and many questions left unanswered by the end of the book! I personally can’t wait for the next installment, and to learn the fates of Rohan and Nava as well as what is going on with the brotherhood!! Here's to waiting! I received an ARC for this book and voluntarily read and reviewed it. It’s been awhile since I read a vampire story, and this one was a good one to break the drought. Blood Rose was a good paranormal story and it wasn’t a storyline that was similar to anything I’ve read previously. It was a memorable story, and Avah was a good character. She wasn’t perfect, but she was a sassy, smart witch. One that feels a little in over her head sometimes, but don’t we all. I loved the mix of paranormal entities and I think they were done well, without one being too overwhelming on the other. The action was jam packed but didn’t overshadow the emotion, and the emotion was provoking and kept me wanting to read more.There were a few surprises along the way and a couple that had me itching for more (and really upset when I realized I’d have to wait until at least the next book to get my answers). Danielle Rose has provided an entertaining and quality story. I can’t wait to get my hands on the second book and find out what other crazy things are happening in Avah’s life.