About Us
Ainsley Jaymes |
I'm 29 years old. I am happily married and my husband and I have a happy little 2 year old running around and a six month old now running the house. My husband and I have been married for just almost five years and we have been together for almost twelve years. I currently work for an engineering firm and I read and write on the side in my spare time. I've currently got one release, as part of an anthology, under my belt. I totally geek out for Marvel movies and television shows, as well as anything Disney, Supernatural and the DC Hero TV Shows.
Ryleigh Jane |
I am 29 years old. I have been married to my husband for almost 6 years but we have been together for 15. We have a beautiful spunky little girl that is two years old! Our girl takes up most of my time, but in my free time I am always reading! My go to book is a YA Paranormal, but I am willing to read anything. For me one of the best parts of reading is being transported to someone else life, to be able to just leave my world and get a glimpse of someone else’s.
About Our Reviews |
We are happy to read books by authors both new and old. We will be honest with our reviews, each and every part of it. It will truthfully be based on everything that we think and believe about the book, from the cover, to the characters and the plot. We will try our best to post honest and spoiler free reviews while capturing everything we felt during our reading.
Everyone has a different opinion and different tastes. You may not agree with our assessments and that's perfectly fine! If you'd like to compare points tastefully and respectfully, we will gladly trade quips with you, but if you're going to be rude about it, we're sorry, but you don't belong here. |